Thursday, May 29, 2008
"Private Collection"
"From Whence I Came"
I totally MUST go to bed before 1am tonight/day, but I must write this. This morning I came down to a note from my mom written on a paper towel...along with a dead head of lettuce and some stale rolls. The note said this...."After I mow we'll throw these out for your friends, so we can see where they are. Or MAYBE you can tear them into pieces and put it close to the house so you can lure them to be your pet." This of course in regards to my over-obsession with the groundhogs...see blog below. Anyway, this cracked me up....I mean almost fits of giggles. It launched me back to a conversation I had with Annie-with whom you should all be familiar with by now-but we were talking about the Flip-Flop party and how she couldn't come because of a tour, but how she really wanted to because she wanted to see "from whence I came". It was funny, and she said she just really wanted to see where I came peeps/cats/etc. note...from my mom...about helping me lure the groundhogs into "petdom" was so TOTALLY from whence I came! I mean this apple hasn't fall far from the tree....if I've fallen at all. So...if you think I'm haven't met my brother, father, or mother...cuz I have nothing on them. Anyway, I pulled the Hansel and Gretel on the groundhogs...and now I'm waiting......
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I heart groundhog/gophers!
And for fun....some internet info...I have no idea what he is....I think a gopher...cuz they aren't that big? But some get pretty fat...and I have no idea if they hibernate or not. Anyway, so the following is stolen...there...will that cover the plagerism?
Q: What is the difference between a groundhog and a gopher?
A: The big groundhog is about 24 times heavier than the little gopher. The animals look somewhat similar, however, with short neck, legs, and tail.
The groundhog (also known as a "woodchuck" and "whistle pig") is a marmot — essentially, a giant North American ground squirrel. The gopher is, like the groundhog, a burrowing member of the rodent order but its closest living relatives are kangaroo rats and pocket mice.
The groundhog hibernates and the gopher does not. By the end of October, the groundhog descends into her hidden burrow beneath a stump or a rock, curls into a relaxed ball, slows her heart from 75 to 4 beats a minute, and drops her body temperature to that of her home. She is so far "asleep" that, even if we warm her, she needs several hours to waken.
Groundhog: species Marmota monax from the squirrel family, Sciuridae, order Rodentia
Gopher: any of 38 species from the family Geomyidae, order Rodentia
Monday, May 26, 2008
Lake Champlain...a new "Great Lake"?
Friday, May 23, 2008
Legume shot #1...
As you have read before..the peanut is NOT a nut. That little factoid was read to me by Annie...and it's since become this joke with us. I haven't seen her since training in Vermont (Shout out to my Super Heroes traveling to Europe sans ME this weekend...) so...anyway, I've been gone for 2 months....just got home last week...and to an envelope...from her. In it...was a little white box...and in that little white box....was....A PEANUT! An eraser peanut! She had bought it on her last trip with CAPITOL (whom we love love love) at the Field Museum-where Sue the T-Rex lives. It brought me to tears...I mean was I tired? But whatever! It was so funny, and sweet, and perfect! SO...since then...I've officially named this peanut "Annie" and it is traveling with me...and is becoming my Flat Stanley. So my first picture with Annie...the the White Sox-Indians game in Chicago! White Sox that was exciting...since I'm from group was from NY...huge loyal fans we are. HUGS!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
See Andy...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Dancing trees. driving to Target with Gayley...a tree caught my eye...and really made me laugh, and almost out loud. It was totally dancing! Not just any dancing though! You have to know the background, which could be impossible, but I'll try. We had training for work, you know that tour manager thing I do, and it was in Vermont for 2 weeks. It was great....see the huge house down below. Anyway, so at the end of the 2nd week, JCrom (our boss-who HATES nicknames, but for the sake of works!) had a birthday and was coming up to the house ON his birthday. So of course Annie says...."well, we have to make up a birthday dance" and just so matter of factly. It wasn't like "hey....we should make up a dance...right guys?" It was just like duh...of course we did. I love that nobody you have ever met. So....we do...we ended up doing it to "Blue" by Eiffel 65. So...we get some moves down....and then we get all peeps on board...which was a riot. whole point in the beginning? We all start bent over with our heads down...then we "swim" up? And this "swimming" is what the tree was TOTALLY doing! It wasn't "swaying" or "blowing" or anything! IT WAS SWIMMING! made me laugh, and it made my heart smile. So start to notice more...the wind doesn't make the trees makes them DANCE!