Saturday, December 4, 2010


Tonight....heading out to play....I grabbed my zip up fleece...and then I saw my hat sitting there...neglected and I put it on, it deserved some play, I wear hats all the time, how could I pass up the chance!? So I get downstairs, and realize? I'm one giant VOLCANO!! My fleece if from Mt. Etna in Sicily (YES, that is ALWAYS in EVERY CROSSWORD PUZZLE! ETNA!), and then my as can be....made by hand in represent "Eyjafjalljokull" (the volcano in Iceland that apparently blows up all the time, but because it really messed up flights to/from Europe this spring, was a bigger deal than normal!) So how cool is THAT! Heart me some volcano apparel! I have a volcanic ash necklace from Santorini I should have thrown on for the photo shoot...

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