Saturday, February 16, 2008

No real title!!

To be clear about this....I have interviews...THIS week....well, one hard core interview...and one "orientation". AND...for this interview? I have to have a 5 minute speech about problem....and a 10 minute speech about whatever! I was clearly instructed NOT to talk about Britney Spears or NSYNC...which is a TOTAL downer...and now...who knows what I'll talk about! lol. I've narrowed it down to 2 things....mind you...this late in the game? And I'm still "narrowing"? UGH! We will see which prevails. All this to say...I'm a way to put off cleaning my room and/or prepping for my interview. Mind you too? I want this job...pretty bad. BLAH...why am I only motivated under pressure? Moving on...I hope you cats have a great week! I'm jazzed for Saturday...I'll be breathing easier...and it's small group night...which is always a good time. Let's talk about small group for a's apparently come to my attention that I have my own in honor of communication...I'm making a dictionary...and of course calling it a "fictionary"...fake's so close to about a "Fitchionary"? So when I use phrases like the "duh factor" or "OTS" etc? It will all make sense. Happy Birthday still to my Janelley Belly....who is officially IN her 30's! Love you!!!! And...for is my current desktop picture. It's just a cool shot.

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