Monday, November 19, 2007


So...I'm back, and I was the worst blogger in I didn't at all! For what it's worth...I did mail out like 2 updates...gimme your e-mail address...that might be easier! Perhaps I'll get around to updating here....perhaps no! HA! Anyway, best time ever. Never have I been so tired in my entire life...or hungry...or whatever...and never have I felt so perfectly suited for a job. LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT! Absolutely loved it. I mean Italy, Greece, Croatia? The dynamic of people? It was awesome...really really awesome! So, again, apologies for not keeping up with the blogging game...wireless is never free, and really expensive on the ship! So land was my only chance! Thanks for checking though...maybe this spring...I'll have a full time gig, have a groove, and be able to update!

But for now...Cherrie Fritchett? She's off to bed. And Cherrie? I'll blog that story a little later! Hugs!